Useful Guide to Promote Health and Safety for Children

Children’s health and safety are a top priority. As parents, you may be worried about ensuring safety and good health of your child all the time. Parents can take several steps to make their child feel secure and ensure they lead a happy, peaceful life. Parents at home and teachers at the Dubai nursery where your child has been enrolled in can together help promote health and safety. Children grow up watching and imitating elders and this makes it absolutely essential to set the right example for kids. Here are a few tips elaborated below to promote children’s health and safety:

Create a Safe Environment

Children must feel a sense of security and parents and teachers play an important role in creating a safe environment. Conflicts should be avoided at home and fun activities should be introduced at nurseries where children get an opportunity to explore and learn new things. A safe environment is necessary for children not just for physical wellbeing but also for mental and emotional well-being. At nurseries too, make sure the staff there is warm and friendly. If children aren’t comfortable expressing themselves, it will affect their growth and development.

Promote a Clean Environment

A clean environment is absolutely essential for children’s health and safety. The nursery you choose must be cleaned and sanitized regularly. Children must be taught good hygiene habits to be followed no matter where they are. Washing hands after touching dirty surfaces or playing outdoors, covering nose and mouth while sneezing or coughing, and keeping surroundings clean are all good habits that need to be practiced by children. Personal hygiene and cleanliness can keep diseases at bay and improve overall health.

Keep Harmful Products Out of Reach

Any chemical products must be kept away from children. Children may unknowingly play with or use these products when not under adult supervision which can prove fatal. Store these products at places where children can’t reach them.

Safety Precautions at School and Home

Safety covers for electrical outlets are an absolute must. Windows must have bars to prevent any accidents. Open places like play areas in nurseries and schools must not pose danger to children’s safety in any way.

Teach Children Dos and Don’ts

Enforcing certain rules and teaching children certain dos and don’ts can go a long way in ensuring their safety. Making children understand what to do inside and outside home and what activities to refrain from can ensure they stay safe all the time.


These are a few useful tips that you can follow to make sure your children are safe and healthy. Visit to enroll your child in a nursery that prioritizes safety of children and promotes well-rounded development.